Friday, June 12, 2009

15 Ways To Keep Your Woman Happy

By Isley Nicole Melton
I'm always seeing list on how to keep your man happy but rarely do I see list on how to keep your women happy. Why is that? It's weird because we can get unhappy and get ghost just as quick as a man can. Here is a list I came up with for married or boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Enjoy...

1. Stop Lying!! Some men have this really bad because they will lie about the stupidest things. Such a turn-off. We literally want to have an affair when you lie to our faces. See? Not worth it huh?
2. Actually hear what she has to say rather than just nodding your head like you heard her. We know the difference and do not speak over her when she is trying to get her point across. We hate that.
3. Tell her you love her first. We are the mushy ones most of the time so when you say it first it makes us happy.
4. Surprise her with gifts other than birthdays etc etc. If you are communicating well you know what she likes. Flowers are cool but it's nothing to brag to her friends about.
5. Nothing gets us more excited than spontaneous outings. So take her somewhere she's never been.
6. Take romantic trips as often as possible.
7. Do not stare at other women in her presence. You'll be wondering why you didn't get none that night.
8. Always be a gentleman and open doors. Some men get too comfortable and ease up on this once they got you.
9. Help with the kids and help keep the house clean. A sloppy man is a big turn-off.
10. Take care of yourself. Nothing sexier than a well groomed man. (Not overly though lol) Make use of that gym membership or actually use the gym you have at home.
11. Be attentive and compliment her with sincerity. Notice those new jeans she has on. If you wont someone else will.
12. Be affectionate other times besides sex time.
13. Get your stamina up. That goes back to exercise. No one likes a 5 min lover. Womp Womp...
14. Make sure she has an orgasm every time. A few would be heavenly and master the art of ORAL SEX.
15. Make your woman top priority at all times. If there's something she is not comfortable with, fix it immediately. Happy wife=Happy life.

Bottom line treat her like you would want your mother, sister or daughter to be treated. Nothing less. Feel free to add to the list.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. THANK YOU.

Isley Nicole Melton said...

hahahaha! You're welcome :)

Kenya said...

You are so on point. Number 16 should be: It's not what you do, It's how you do it. Never allow your woman to get disrespected by your so called female friends!

Dumb Azzzzzzz!

Isley Nicole Melton said...

Thank you.

Wow that sounds personal. Send him to this blog! lol

Lawrence said...

I've been searching for that very thing and in fact there now seems to be quite a few ' lists ' all pretty much saying similar things.. and ultimately common sense.

Although.. what's with the toilet seat lol that needs a post all on it's own :-)

But as I'm here, thought you may like to know that I've been working on that very topic and hopefully my site / blog can go someway to moving that forward..

Let me know what you think..